For your solar power equipment you need a good meter than can measure both voltage and current safely. Voltage is no problem using probes, but current poses a problem, especially safely and accurately.
Measuring current in th eole days required breaking the circuit, and putting a meter in series to measure the current. It takes skill and knowledge to do that. However in the past decade clamp on current meters using the Hall Effect have came onto the market. Clamp-On meters are simple to use to measure current. All you do is open up the JAWS of the meter and CLAMP it On around the conductor you want to measure the current. No need to touch any live circuits or risk opening a circuit. Pretty much HANDS OFF.
Problem in the past Hall Effect Meters have been very expensive around $200 or more. But today you can get decent one for around $50 to $60 that includes a volt meter, resistance, capacitance, frequency, and temperature.
Such a meter is invaluable for a solar system testing. Ok I have have found a METER that is inexpensive, and right on target for solar systems because it has a DC Amp scale of 40 and 400 amps. That is right in the SWEET SPOT. It will also measure AC and DC voltages, and even with a temp probe tell you when your steak or roast is the perfect temperature on the grill.
OK here is the Meat. Look for an EXTECH MA220. If you shop around you can get them new for $50 plus shipping.
FWIW I am not a SPAMMER and have no interest in the product. I use FLUKE.
Measuring current in th eole days required breaking the circuit, and putting a meter in series to measure the current. It takes skill and knowledge to do that. However in the past decade clamp on current meters using the Hall Effect have came onto the market. Clamp-On meters are simple to use to measure current. All you do is open up the JAWS of the meter and CLAMP it On around the conductor you want to measure the current. No need to touch any live circuits or risk opening a circuit. Pretty much HANDS OFF.
Problem in the past Hall Effect Meters have been very expensive around $200 or more. But today you can get decent one for around $50 to $60 that includes a volt meter, resistance, capacitance, frequency, and temperature.
Such a meter is invaluable for a solar system testing. Ok I have have found a METER that is inexpensive, and right on target for solar systems because it has a DC Amp scale of 40 and 400 amps. That is right in the SWEET SPOT. It will also measure AC and DC voltages, and even with a temp probe tell you when your steak or roast is the perfect temperature on the grill.
OK here is the Meat. Look for an EXTECH MA220. If you shop around you can get them new for $50 plus shipping.
FWIW I am not a SPAMMER and have no interest in the product. I use FLUKE.