Hey gang. I recently acquired a second 170W hand solar panel that used to be used on a house. I am hoping to be able to use it on my van to charge me auxiliary battery. I currently run a ctek d250s in the van which has a solar controller built in so I am hoping to be able to use that. Problem is the panel is 36V and the max input for the ctek is 23v. So in my research I have found a few voltage reducers on eBay that look like they will do the job of reducing the voltage from 36v to 12v but I am unsure of how many amps it needs to be?? I found one that I will attach a photo of that reduces to 12v 15A 180W but I'm not sure if 15A is way too much. Especially considering the panel is only 5amp to begin with... The ones I have found that reduce to 12v 5A only say 60W which coming from a 170 watt panel kind of defeats the purpose . I'll attach some photos below.
thank you in advance for any help.
thank you in advance for any help.