Is there anything in the NEC Code that requires an additional external AC disconnect switch for the critical load/backup circuit that comes into the house from a detached garage (100ft away)? The garage has SE StorEdge inverter and LG Chem battery. I know some AHJ's require AC disconnect switch for solar (especially if it's line-side tap connected), but should there be an additional AC disconnect switch for the battery backup circuit coming into the house? The critical loads panel has its own breaker in the house basement.
Battery AC emergency disconnect
You not only have to check with the NEC but your local power company may have extra requirements as well. Like here in Jacksonville, FL. JEA requires not only an AC disconnect for a grid tied system, but another AC disconnect if you have any battery backup. And its required to be within 5 ft of the disconnect / meter can for the house.. talk about triple redundant. If safety is the goal simply removing the meter or flipping the disconnect for the house would place it in island mode. Not sure why they want all these extra disconnects.