I am trying to conceptualize a proof of concept for a pneumatic battery. The idea starts with the realization that chemical batteries are temporary. They have a very limited lifespan, do not hold substantial amounts of power, are sometimes explosive, and they contain toxic materials.
The basic premise for a pneumatic battery is using a high torque, high RPM pneumatic motor and re-purposed ex-gasoline or ex-diesel generator to produce 12v, 120v, and 220v power. Solar panels would drive a compressor to pressurize air to 3000 PSI in re-purposed oxygen tanks. A vacuum tank could boost motor efficiency and reduce internal condensation. A large volume tank could increase the compressor efficiency and system capacity. This system could be used to store energy as pressurized air, and released that energy as electricity as needed. Compressing air would generate heat, and decompressing it would create cool, providing for additional pressure through thermal expansion and reduced temperatures to reduce friction heat.
My proof of concept should be about 50 gallon cooler sized, portable with wheels for camping. That large cooler sized model would contain the compressor, high pressure tank, and generator, with a lid-top solar panel. It would be able to attach to two larger external tanks One for the vacuum and one as the low pressure high volume tank. Those tanks could be buried for permanent locations or put on a trailer in in a shipping container for mobile applications. Both provide more space for more panels for more compression, and a shipping container could add to climate controlled to increase thermal impacts..
I have joined this group to hear your views on such a system. I have created a post that outlines it here:
Here is a diagram that describes the system. Hope you can decipher it!212264651_10158134406832231_8679330318114394725_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=825194&_nc_ohc=_zpIK3Ltq-EAX_Q-d4F&tn=LA4ekXumuy3Aqpsy&_nc_ht=scontent-ort2-2.xx&tp=6&oh=87a04a83c6ba4d77aeb1c20457ec35c5&oe=60EC58DE.jpg
Thank you in advance for any respectful responses,
The basic premise for a pneumatic battery is using a high torque, high RPM pneumatic motor and re-purposed ex-gasoline or ex-diesel generator to produce 12v, 120v, and 220v power. Solar panels would drive a compressor to pressurize air to 3000 PSI in re-purposed oxygen tanks. A vacuum tank could boost motor efficiency and reduce internal condensation. A large volume tank could increase the compressor efficiency and system capacity. This system could be used to store energy as pressurized air, and released that energy as electricity as needed. Compressing air would generate heat, and decompressing it would create cool, providing for additional pressure through thermal expansion and reduced temperatures to reduce friction heat.
My proof of concept should be about 50 gallon cooler sized, portable with wheels for camping. That large cooler sized model would contain the compressor, high pressure tank, and generator, with a lid-top solar panel. It would be able to attach to two larger external tanks One for the vacuum and one as the low pressure high volume tank. Those tanks could be buried for permanent locations or put on a trailer in in a shipping container for mobile applications. Both provide more space for more panels for more compression, and a shipping container could add to climate controlled to increase thermal impacts..
I have joined this group to hear your views on such a system. I have created a post that outlines it here:
Here is a diagram that describes the system. Hope you can decipher it!212264651_10158134406832231_8679330318114394725_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=825194&_nc_ohc=_zpIK3Ltq-EAX_Q-d4F&tn=LA4ekXumuy3Aqpsy&_nc_ht=scontent-ort2-2.xx&tp=6&oh=87a04a83c6ba4d77aeb1c20457ec35c5&oe=60EC58DE.jpg
Thank you in advance for any respectful responses,