I bought a couple of these batteries a couple of months ago, so I'd thought I'd share.
They are American (UPower) and bright green; a colour my girlfriend hates.
I'm running them in series and I bought them at a time when AGM batteries were nearly twice the price of these.
I did order them on the 9th Dec 2021 (in time for the solstice) but they took 3 months to get to me.
Anyway, so far I haven't come across any bad points.
I had 250Ah 12v GEL batteries before and the problem I had was on windy afternoons with clouds and sun, when the batteries were around the 14.2v mark.
The sudden flash of sunlight coming out of a cloud would set off the alarms on my inverters and sometimes down the power for a few seconds.
My charge controllers are MPPT but even they could react fast enough.
This was no problem for the likes of the fridge, but when your Teams call drops whilst the router reboots, it was an issue.
Also, they could be very "sensitive" at times and sulk.
Being 600Ah these batteries seem to have more "depth" and I've had no alarms due to the above.
Subjectively they seem more stable and react better to discharge/charge events than the 250Ah ones.
If all goes well, I'll buy another couple and make a 24v system in the autumn.
My other batteries are being moved to light my warehouse / power electric harvesting equipment etc.
They are American (UPower) and bright green; a colour my girlfriend hates.
I'm running them in series and I bought them at a time when AGM batteries were nearly twice the price of these.
I did order them on the 9th Dec 2021 (in time for the solstice) but they took 3 months to get to me.
Anyway, so far I haven't come across any bad points.
I had 250Ah 12v GEL batteries before and the problem I had was on windy afternoons with clouds and sun, when the batteries were around the 14.2v mark.
The sudden flash of sunlight coming out of a cloud would set off the alarms on my inverters and sometimes down the power for a few seconds.
My charge controllers are MPPT but even they could react fast enough.
This was no problem for the likes of the fridge, but when your Teams call drops whilst the router reboots, it was an issue.
Also, they could be very "sensitive" at times and sulk.
Being 600Ah these batteries seem to have more "depth" and I've had no alarms due to the above.
Subjectively they seem more stable and react better to discharge/charge events than the 250Ah ones.
If all goes well, I'll buy another couple and make a 24v system in the autumn.
My other batteries are being moved to light my warehouse / power electric harvesting equipment etc.