I recently bought the newpowa 100w solar panel kit and installed it on my house. I mainly use it to recharge my portable batteries that I use to charge all the cellphones in my house. Recently after charging one of these batteries the solar battery (Neptune SLA 55ah wheelchair) went down to 11.7v. It's winter up here (Western NY USA) so we don't get a lot of direct sun. But the panel does show various voltages lately (17v and up to 19 sometimes) but the battery stays at 11.7. Did I kill it already? Usually when it's charging the voltage from the panel is barely higher than the battery voltage. Any ideas? Should I try my cars trickle charger? Remove the wires and reinstall?
Did I kill my battery?
Assuming all the wiring is correct and in good condition.
If the battery is not charging, it could be either because the battery went bad, or because the charge controller went bad.
Disconnecting the battery and charging it with a regular charger will tell you if the battery can charge.
If you have a smart charger, it can also tell you if the battery can hold a charge.
If you don't, you can also take it to a place that has the equipment to test the battery ability to hold a charge.
If the battery is good, next you will need to test the charge controller.Comment
It's been working ok the past few months, first timer here. Don't know how much a 55ah should be able to run and for how long. I'll disconnect everything and try my trickle charger.Comment