I keep a 12V 35 Ah AGM battery in the garage for various infrequent and brief projects. With my last battery I just left it on a Harbor Freight Cen-Tech cheapo float/maintainer box and that seemed to work pretty well, but I wonder if I might get improved life if I just put it on the charge for a day or two at a time. In other words, would I be better off if I only connected it for a couple days when the voltage got down to a certain level (say 12.X volts) or after a certain amount of time (say X weeks)? If I would be better off, what would be the best voltage or interval?
I must say, the forum has changed a lot since back when I used to be a frequenter here although I see a few familiar names. Going to have to nose around and catch up.
I must say, the forum has changed a lot since back when I used to be a frequenter here although I see a few familiar names. Going to have to nose around and catch up.