Received this email this morning - showing part of the email below:
For SDG&E’s November 6, 2023, PPH, please note:
The location is American with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessible. If you wish to attend and need specialized accommodations please contact the CPUC’s Public Advisor’s Office at least five business days before the public forum. Their contact information is at the end of this notice. If you wish to make a public comment, please sign-up at the Public Advisor’s table.
SDG&E’s November 20, 2023, PPHs will be held virtually, meaning you can participate via internet or phone using the access details above.
Please note: If you wish to make a public comment you must participate by phone using the phone number above. After calling in and entering the passcode above, press *1, unmute your phone and record your name when prompted. You will be put into a queue in the order you dialed in.
If you need a language interpreter for these hearings, please contact the CPUC’s Public Advisor’s Office at least five business days before the public forum. Their contact information is at the end of this notice.
Why is SDG&E requesting in this rate change?
This application is part of SDG&E’s regular regulatory process directed by the CPUC and proposes no changes to SDG&E’s authorized electric revenues. In addition, this application requests no changes to gas rates. SDG&E’s requested rate adjustments include, (1) extending the weekday Super Off-Peak Time-of-Use period, the period of the day when SDG&E’s Time-of-Use rates are the lowest, to include additional hours from 10am to 2pm year-round; (2) introducing a new rate class for medium-sized commercial customers providing rates that are more aligned with these customers’ cost of service; and (3) adopting rates that better reflect the cost of providing service for customers, among other rate design changes.
SDG&E has requested the changes proposed in this application become effective in 2024. If approved as filed, SDG&E customers would see the changes described here.
This effects the NET metering credits for energy sent to the grid midday. As part of my tracking my data thru out the year, I have written my own program to pull actual SolarEdge production by date and time using an API SolarEdge provides. My program the uses the SDGE rate table to calculate the value of the solar production - and this data is then fed into a spreadsheet I use to track actual SDGE usage data downloaded -- and I end up with a huge amount of data. Shown below is my summary tab for this current true up year spreadsheet:
Screenshot 2023-10-31 101909.png
The output of the program that calculates the "value" of the solar generated against the SDGE rates produces both daily as well as summary data. Shown below is the current yearly summary data with the current peak/off peak/super off peak periods (this is 01/01/2023 thru 10/30/2023 generation):
And shown below is the current yearly summary data with the proposed change to the 10 am to 2 pm timeframe becoming super off peak the entire year:
Later today, I'll calculate the exact total of summer and winter kWh actually sent to the grid that would have been recategorized as super off peak rather than off peak.
Bottom line is that I'll be ok because I end with a significant NEM negative credit that should cover the reduction in "generation revenue value" by this change. I also benefit from my panels being west/southwest orientation pushing my generation slightly later in the day.
Why am I receiving this notice?
San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E) is required to file a General Rate Case (GRC) Phase 2 Application every four years. The focus of a GRC Phase 2 Application is to make changes to rate design and customer class revenue allocation. SDG&E and the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) would like to hear from you regarding this application. You are invited to participate in a public forum, also called a Public Participation Hearing (PPH), about SDG&E’s 2024 GRC Phase 2 Application. At the public forum, you can make comments and raise concerns with the CPUC’s Administrative Law Judge (Judge) who is overseeing this rate change request.
How will the public forums be held?
Two days of PPHs will be held as part of a formal proceeding. They will be transcribed and placed into the formal record that the CPUC uses to decide about SDG&E’s request. As part of the CPUC’s ongoing efforts to provide the greatest access, the November 6 hearings will be held in person and the November 20 hearings will be held virtually.
You can also provide written public comments at any time during the proceeding at
Where and when will these Public Participation Hearings be held?
Why am I receiving this notice?
San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E) is required to file a General Rate Case (GRC) Phase 2 Application every four years. The focus of a GRC Phase 2 Application is to make changes to rate design and customer class revenue allocation. SDG&E and the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) would like to hear from you regarding this application. You are invited to participate in a public forum, also called a Public Participation Hearing (PPH), about SDG&E’s 2024 GRC Phase 2 Application. At the public forum, you can make comments and raise concerns with the CPUC’s Administrative Law Judge (Judge) who is overseeing this rate change request.
How will the public forums be held?
Two days of PPHs will be held as part of a formal proceeding. They will be transcribed and placed into the formal record that the CPUC uses to decide about SDG&E’s request. As part of the CPUC’s ongoing efforts to provide the greatest access, the November 6 hearings will be held in person and the November 20 hearings will be held virtually.
You can also provide written public comments at any time during the proceeding at
Where and when will these Public Participation Hearings be held?
In Person: |
Escondido City Council Chambers 201 North Broadway Escondido, CA 92025 November 6, 2023 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. |
Virtual PHH: |
Phone Number: 1-800-857-1917 Passcode: 6032788# Webcast: November 20, 2023 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. |
For SDG&E’s November 6, 2023, PPH, please note:
The location is American with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessible. If you wish to attend and need specialized accommodations please contact the CPUC’s Public Advisor’s Office at least five business days before the public forum. Their contact information is at the end of this notice. If you wish to make a public comment, please sign-up at the Public Advisor’s table.
SDG&E’s November 20, 2023, PPHs will be held virtually, meaning you can participate via internet or phone using the access details above.
Please note: If you wish to make a public comment you must participate by phone using the phone number above. After calling in and entering the passcode above, press *1, unmute your phone and record your name when prompted. You will be put into a queue in the order you dialed in.
If you need a language interpreter for these hearings, please contact the CPUC’s Public Advisor’s Office at least five business days before the public forum. Their contact information is at the end of this notice.
Why is SDG&E requesting in this rate change?
This application is part of SDG&E’s regular regulatory process directed by the CPUC and proposes no changes to SDG&E’s authorized electric revenues. In addition, this application requests no changes to gas rates. SDG&E’s requested rate adjustments include, (1) extending the weekday Super Off-Peak Time-of-Use period, the period of the day when SDG&E’s Time-of-Use rates are the lowest, to include additional hours from 10am to 2pm year-round; (2) introducing a new rate class for medium-sized commercial customers providing rates that are more aligned with these customers’ cost of service; and (3) adopting rates that better reflect the cost of providing service for customers, among other rate design changes.
SDG&E has requested the changes proposed in this application become effective in 2024. If approved as filed, SDG&E customers would see the changes described here.
This effects the NET metering credits for energy sent to the grid midday. As part of my tracking my data thru out the year, I have written my own program to pull actual SolarEdge production by date and time using an API SolarEdge provides. My program the uses the SDGE rate table to calculate the value of the solar production - and this data is then fed into a spreadsheet I use to track actual SDGE usage data downloaded -- and I end up with a huge amount of data. Shown below is my summary tab for this current true up year spreadsheet:
Screenshot 2023-10-31 101909.png
The output of the program that calculates the "value" of the solar generated against the SDGE rates produces both daily as well as summary data. Shown below is the current yearly summary data with the current peak/off peak/super off peak periods (this is 01/01/2023 thru 10/30/2023 generation):
Winter kWh: Total = 5725.2 Peak = 875.8 Off Peak = 2938.5 Super Off Peak = 1910.9 Revenue Value = $ 2354.81 Avg kWh Value = $0.411
Summer kWh: Total = 6806.0 Peak = 1416.1 Off Peak = 4314.2 Super Off Peak = 1075.8 Revenue Value = $ 3630.26 Avg kWh Value = $0.533
Overall kWh: Total = 12531.2 Peak = 2291.9 Off Peak = 7252.7 Super Off Peak = 2986.7 Revenue Value = $ 5985.07 Avg kWh Value = $0.478
Summer kWh: Total = 6806.0 Peak = 1416.1 Off Peak = 4314.2 Super Off Peak = 1075.8 Revenue Value = $ 3630.26 Avg kWh Value = $0.533
Overall kWh: Total = 12531.2 Peak = 2291.9 Off Peak = 7252.7 Super Off Peak = 2986.7 Revenue Value = $ 5985.07 Avg kWh Value = $0.478
And shown below is the current yearly summary data with the proposed change to the 10 am to 2 pm timeframe becoming super off peak the entire year:
Winter kWh: Total = 5725.2 Peak = 875.8 Off Peak = 1846.4 Super Off Peak = 3003.0 Revenue Value = $ 2153.53 Avg kWh Value = $0.376
Summer kWh: Total = 6806.0 Peak = 1416.1 Off Peak = 2143.8 Super Off Peak = 3246.2 Revenue Value = $ 3169.11 Avg kWh Value = $0.466
Overall kWh: Total = 12531.2 Peak = 2291.9 Off Peak = 3990.2 Super Off Peak = 6249.2 Revenue Value = $ 5322.64 Avg kWh Value = $0.425
Summer kWh: Total = 6806.0 Peak = 1416.1 Off Peak = 2143.8 Super Off Peak = 3246.2 Revenue Value = $ 3169.11 Avg kWh Value = $0.466
Overall kWh: Total = 12531.2 Peak = 2291.9 Off Peak = 3990.2 Super Off Peak = 6249.2 Revenue Value = $ 5322.64 Avg kWh Value = $0.425
Later today, I'll calculate the exact total of summer and winter kWh actually sent to the grid that would have been recategorized as super off peak rather than off peak.
Bottom line is that I'll be ok because I end with a significant NEM negative credit that should cover the reduction in "generation revenue value" by this change. I also benefit from my panels being west/southwest orientation pushing my generation slightly later in the day.