Hello. I have a new SunPower installation. 16 panels; installed Halloween 2023; activated early December 2023.
Issue: the SunPower app does not connect to my PVS. So, no reporting.
i have followed all instructions I’ve found online.
During December, I’ve received reports for only a few days.
The app now says my system is not connected.
The local installer is mostly unresponsive. SunPower refers me to the local installer.
I got one SunPower person to open a ticket.
SunPower closed it a couple of days later and said I need a wifi extender.
The PVS is about a dozen feet from my house wifi router. So, I disagree.
The PVS shows a dark green light. The electric meter shows power is being produced.
The overall issue is that I have no reporting; no data.
I’m no expert, but it seems the issue is with the PVS box. Neither SP nor my local installer seem willing to swap out the box.
Anybody encountered this issue previously? If so, can you offer advice/suggestions?
Issue: the SunPower app does not connect to my PVS. So, no reporting.
i have followed all instructions I’ve found online.
During December, I’ve received reports for only a few days.
The app now says my system is not connected.
The local installer is mostly unresponsive. SunPower refers me to the local installer.
I got one SunPower person to open a ticket.
SunPower closed it a couple of days later and said I need a wifi extender.
The PVS is about a dozen feet from my house wifi router. So, I disagree.
The PVS shows a dark green light. The electric meter shows power is being produced.
The overall issue is that I have no reporting; no data.
I’m no expert, but it seems the issue is with the PVS box. Neither SP nor my local installer seem willing to swap out the box.
Anybody encountered this issue previously? If so, can you offer advice/suggestions?