On an emergency situation, I pull out my Solar Charged Remote Control Electric Lawn Mower (SCRCELM) which has a built in power inverter. I will disconnect the lawn mower's AC adapter from the inverter in the electronic enclosure box and then plugin any other accessories (laptop, cell phone, etc.) I need to provide power to. I also have a 155W solar power system attached to a shed, but this SCRCELM would be my plan B.
You can find out more about my project here, as well as view the How-To videos I created:
On an emergency situation, I pull out my Solar Charged Remote Control Electric Lawn Mower (SCRCELM) which has a built in power inverter. I will disconnect the lawn mower's AC adapter from the inverter in the electronic enclosure box and then plugin any other accessories (laptop, cell phone, etc.) I need to provide power to. I also have a 155W solar power system attached to a shed, but this SCRCELM would be my plan B.
You can find out more about my project here, as well as view the How-To videos I created: