What do PVGIS/PVWatts give at your location? I guess around 900kWh/kWpeak. What is the FIT? In Germany we have FIT of 12.08 Eurocent per kWh (for size up to 10kWp roof mounted residential) garanteed for the year of connection + 20 full years. The owner has to register a business with the taxman but he therefore buys without VAT. And he has to declare his profits in his tax declaration. Installers are very agreesively pushing battery storage here (because of their margin - otherwise margins are slim). But the best storage of them all is the grid itself. So here it's economy of scale vs. measly FIT. The forum wizards on the German forum came to the conclusion: fill up your good roofs up to 10kWp, find a good planner/installer - and you'll make a small profit (repay time 12+- years).
Installation costs recently have come down (cheaper modules the main reason). There have been 10kWp systems at under 1000 Euro per kWp lately.
Installation costs recently have come down (cheaper modules the main reason). There have been 10kWp systems at under 1000 Euro per kWp lately.