I have no problem (and would even be very supportive of) "The calculation shows your system would pay for itself in X years - to have someone contact you about installing solar, please enter your contact information:"
I think even "to see the results, enter your phone # here:" isn't too bad. I can put a number like - 212-867-5309 (random area code + Jenny) or 1234567890.
Or an option to skip submitting your number/email. (which means you the leads you sell are more likely to be *real* leads and therefore should be worth more)
But when it is trying to be sneaky about taking your email AND phone number in order to sell it to a 3rd party, IMO that's wrong.
In this case I wouldn't use the website. And I would instead recommend that people use an alternative. Possible alternatives would be PVWatts or Google's project sunroof.
I'm a little disappointed to find out that it's run by the same company that runs solarpaneltalk.com - I had a higher opinion of them before seeing this.
I think even "to see the results, enter your phone # here:" isn't too bad. I can put a number like - 212-867-5309 (random area code + Jenny) or 1234567890.
Or an option to skip submitting your number/email. (which means you the leads you sell are more likely to be *real* leads and therefore should be worth more)
But when it is trying to be sneaky about taking your email AND phone number in order to sell it to a 3rd party, IMO that's wrong.
In this case I wouldn't use the website. And I would instead recommend that people use an alternative. Possible alternatives would be PVWatts or Google's project sunroof.
I'm a little disappointed to find out that it's run by the same company that runs solarpaneltalk.com - I had a higher opinion of them before seeing this.