In this thread I was talking about the operating cost of a heat pump water heater versus a resistive element. I was supporting your statement and offering a counter argument to @Mike90250 who lives off grid and has different cost factors than someone on the grid. His argument makes sense for someone in his situation, but not necessarily for someone in a temperate environment in an all electric home.
I think the discussion about string inverters vs microinverters is in another thread. I don't have a strong opinion one way or the other about string inverters vs microinverters. I have a combination of both in my current residence, plus my main system is a SolarEdge with Optimizers.
I think the discussion about string inverters vs microinverters is in another thread. I don't have a strong opinion one way or the other about string inverters vs microinverters. I have a combination of both in my current residence, plus my main system is a SolarEdge with Optimizers.