Yea, I thought so too about 8 years ago, but reading the latest on the legislation, I believe the 3 big I.O.U's in CA want to, in effect, back out of that deal. If the current form of the legislation, or something close to it becomes law, current (that is prior) PV owners will get dumped from either NEM1.0 or 2.0 on the 10th anniversary of their PTO. Read the legislation being worked on as we write. It will probably change some before final passage, but it looks to me like folks in situations such as yours are stuck in uncretaintyville for awhile. If legislation is passed in its current form, it will probably make new PV about half as cost effective as it is under current tariffs. FWIW, my bill will go from $120/yr. to about $800 or $1K or so as best as I can estimate on about 7,000 kWh of annual total use. I'm also on tiered rates and that will also be going away in a sneaky sort of way as proposed legislation is currently written meaning I'll get to take in the shorts twice.
To repeat, it looks like the POCOs want to end NEM in CA as it is currently configured and tariffed and long before the 20 year time limit that most of us thought to be sacrosanct.
I know, "they're breaking their promise" and all that whinny junk. So what ? It will be what it is.
Still, the legislation isn't final and still being worked out. And, since money talks and most residential PV is in the affluent suburbs, maybe all the rich suburban liberals can have some sway. I'm going to get some popcorn and watch the fun.
If I were in your shoes, I'd check recent posts here with links to the legislation and its progress, and also educated about what it MIGHT do solar residential economics before I committed to buying a system.
Then too, think about all the folks who leased systems, most of which are stuck with monthly payments that not only won't adjust downward to reflect possible higher electic bills as a result of legislation, but increase every year by maybe 3 % while the electricity their systems produce might wind up being worth about half what it was when the systems got PTO. Great way to kill system cost effectiveness.
To repeat, it looks like the POCOs want to end NEM in CA as it is currently configured and tariffed and long before the 20 year time limit that most of us thought to be sacrosanct.
I know, "they're breaking their promise" and all that whinny junk. So what ? It will be what it is.
Still, the legislation isn't final and still being worked out. And, since money talks and most residential PV is in the affluent suburbs, maybe all the rich suburban liberals can have some sway. I'm going to get some popcorn and watch the fun.
If I were in your shoes, I'd check recent posts here with links to the legislation and its progress, and also educated about what it MIGHT do solar residential economics before I committed to buying a system.
Then too, think about all the folks who leased systems, most of which are stuck with monthly payments that not only won't adjust downward to reflect possible higher electic bills as a result of legislation, but increase every year by maybe 3 % while the electricity their systems produce might wind up being worth about half what it was when the systems got PTO. Great way to kill system cost effectiveness.