Without rehashing the past as we've done in discussing the reasons all that is wrong headed in the above, I'd only comment that if something is too bad, it's the ignorance and myopic attitude of way too many home owners who fall for this scheme. Even when done as described it's because it's cheaper and easier to do (and don't fall for the B.S. it costs more - as in, do you really think a lot of new construction is done that way because it costs more ? Right.), system performance and long term roof integrity be damned. It's not done that way most of the time anyway, at least not on existing residences that I've seen.
HOA concerns in this issue are not primarily about aesthetics. The concerns are about roof integrity, less ability to inspect under an array, more problems finding leaks, little/no ability to clean out stuff that will get under an array with attendant smell/crud/bacteria growth buildup problems for not only the homeowner, but perhaps neighbors who will smell it. Then, in addition to the concerns about leak detection and servicing, there is the reality that HOA's tends to be concerned about neighborhood appearance, but a bigger issue is really property values. This is the long term crux of the matter, at least in my HOA. As an aside, many folks in my HOA think Solar is ugly, and based on the many derelict water heaters around here, that's understandable. What happens when, say 10 years from now, a PV array comes off a roof for reasons totally unknown at this time or we can only guess at ? A big, gaping area on a roof - that's what. Find tiles that will match to fill in the hole. Never mind about style - find a color match. Good luck on that one. That, and the unspoken concern about property values masked as aesthetic concerns are a big deal. As in, what does a homeowner think will happen to the value of their home if/when one or more neighbor's roofs look like a checkerboard ? See a potential problem coming down the road that happened for a bunch of B.S. reasons in the first place and could have been avoided in the first place ?
HOA's are a PITA, and Boards can attract their share of HOA nazis. However, sometimes they do things that are in fulfillment of their tasked fiduciary responsibilities per the by laws, CC&R's and other governing documents. Sometimes those things are in the best long term interests of the HOA, even if the shortsighted and/or selfish members don't like the situation. Those who don't like the way the game is run have at least 3 options: Get involved and work for change, sue the HOA, loser pays costs, or know what's involved before you buy in, and if not suitable, don't buy in.
Take what you want of the above. Scrap the rest.
HOA concerns in this issue are not primarily about aesthetics. The concerns are about roof integrity, less ability to inspect under an array, more problems finding leaks, little/no ability to clean out stuff that will get under an array with attendant smell/crud/bacteria growth buildup problems for not only the homeowner, but perhaps neighbors who will smell it. Then, in addition to the concerns about leak detection and servicing, there is the reality that HOA's tends to be concerned about neighborhood appearance, but a bigger issue is really property values. This is the long term crux of the matter, at least in my HOA. As an aside, many folks in my HOA think Solar is ugly, and based on the many derelict water heaters around here, that's understandable. What happens when, say 10 years from now, a PV array comes off a roof for reasons totally unknown at this time or we can only guess at ? A big, gaping area on a roof - that's what. Find tiles that will match to fill in the hole. Never mind about style - find a color match. Good luck on that one. That, and the unspoken concern about property values masked as aesthetic concerns are a big deal. As in, what does a homeowner think will happen to the value of their home if/when one or more neighbor's roofs look like a checkerboard ? See a potential problem coming down the road that happened for a bunch of B.S. reasons in the first place and could have been avoided in the first place ?
HOA's are a PITA, and Boards can attract their share of HOA nazis. However, sometimes they do things that are in fulfillment of their tasked fiduciary responsibilities per the by laws, CC&R's and other governing documents. Sometimes those things are in the best long term interests of the HOA, even if the shortsighted and/or selfish members don't like the situation. Those who don't like the way the game is run have at least 3 options: Get involved and work for change, sue the HOA, loser pays costs, or know what's involved before you buy in, and if not suitable, don't buy in.
Take what you want of the above. Scrap the rest.